Recording steps for the challenge with Apple Watch

Users of Apple Watch (applies exclusively to users of Apple Watch)

How to Record Steps for the Challenge Using Apple Watch

When using both Apple Watch and iPhone simultaneously, it can result in too many steps being transferred to our database.

This understandably causes confusion and leads to unfair competition.

To resolve this issue, there is a simple solution. In this case, your steps will be exclusively tracked by your Apple Watch and transferred to the challenge database. You can, of course, continue to use and carry your iPhone with you.

Please follow the instructions below: (The individual steps are documented in the screenshots).

Please take your iPhone:

  1. Tap on Settings

  2. Scroll down to "Privacy" and tap on it

  3. Scroll down to "Motion & Fitness" and tap on it

  4. You will see the "Health" icon. Please turn off "Health" by moving the slider (the slider will no longer be green, but gray).

  5. Correct setting (slider next to "Health" in gray = off)

  6. As a result, no more Health data will be transferred to our database. Only the steps tracked by your Apple Watch will be counted.

NOTE: For participants who do not use an Apple Watch, please keep the slider next to "Health" green (on).

Stay fit. ❤️